
For years, Bangkok has been the most visited city in the world. In 2019, it saw a whopping 22  million visitors. The canals that crosshatch the city offer a sense of what came before all the skyscrapers and highways. But during the rainy season, they flood, providing an ominous sense of what the “Venice of the East” might look like in the not-too-distant  future. Indeed, those who flock to Bangkok may well be motivated by the ominous drive to see a city that is sinking deeper as the sea rises up around it before it's too late. 

Spanning centuries, Bangkok Wakes to Rain accounts for all that has changed and all that might come to be, following some of the earliest visitors to the city as well as longtime residents who have to roll up their pant legs and grapple with the impact of climate change. The novel also offers an intimate look at the often-overlooked history of Thailand and an eerie view into the coronavirus pandemic.

Want to learn more? Order the THAILAND box, while supplies last!


- A letter for THE ALIGNIST founder
- A copy of Bangkok Wakes to Rain
A specially designed ROADMAP to guide you through the novel

- A letter from THE ALIGNIST's founder
- A copy of Bangkok Wakes to Rain
A specially designed ROADMAP to guide you through the novel
- A series of recipes featuring Thai comfort foods
- A packet of fair trade Thai green tea from Arbor Teas
- A pair of fair trade pouches made by Thai Tribal Crafts
- An invitation to a live online event featuring an author Q&A, food demo, and musical performance

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